If there is a scored letter above the picture you need to remove that letter from the word. In the picture you can see the word "TABLE" with the removed "B" turn into "TALE":

If there is another letter next to the scored letter you need to replace the scored one with the adjacent letter. In the next picture you can see how one can convert the word "SQUARE" into the word "SQUIRE" by replacing the letter A with the letter I.

In this picture we have put the letter H between 1 and 2 (the letters T and R) and converted TREE into 3 (THREE).

They used the same pictures bull and encoded the same word - bell. But in the first case of crossed out the letter "U", while in the lеtter crossed out the position №2. These two cases are the same, as in the word "bull" letter "U" is in place at №2. In the puzzles you will encounter and the first and second choice.

If you are still clear, then let's begin.