Wednesday, March 6, 2013

History of rebus puzzles

Rebus puzzle is a type of a French puzzle which consists of various parts such as little pictures, letters, numbers, symbols and geometric figures. Rebus puzzles made with these parts cryptically represent a word.
The first collection of rebus puzzles was published in 1582 by French poet Etienne Tabouro. After that rebus puzzles became popular in the neighboring countries: Germany, England and Italy.

In 1783 at Hodson’s publishing house in London English illustrator Thomas Bewick released the Bible for children which represented the events of Holy Scripture in a form of rebus-puzzles. This Bible was called Hieroglyphic. 
In 1788 American writer Isaiah Thomas produced hieroglyphic Bible in the USA.

Eventually rebus puzzles became very popular. For example English writer Lewis Carroll often resorted to hundreds of rebus puzzles in his letters. Rebus puzzle designs were printed on cards, plates, advertising boards.

Although the popularity of rebus puzzles has decreased as the result of the growing video games industry, puzzles are still very good instrument for the brain development.


  1. it really helped my reserch

  2. Didn't really help - I wanted to know if these puzzles were used before and up to 1514, when, by whom and in what context.
